Public Works

Contact Information

Kenny Hall

Public Works Director

(352) 473-4807

[email protected] 

The City of Keystone Heights takes great pride in our Public Works Department led by Public Works Director Kenny Hall. The results of their effort can be seen everywhere you go in our community. From cleanliness and beautification, to maintenance of infrastructure and safety, these dedicated public servants strive to sustain and improve our quality of life every day through their tireless contributions. 

Our city parks are carefully and constantly maintained. From the flowering shrubs in Azalea Park, the trail with ornamental trees and plantings that adorn Nature Park, sports and recreation facilities at Theme Park, and the pavilion and Geneva Jungle playground at Keystone Beach, each showcases the efforts of our staff. Their contributions allow us to provide a wide range of recreational options that are clean, safe, and well maintained for the enjoyment of our residents and visitors. 

City streets are maintained and DOT right-of-ways are cleared of trash and debris, as well as beautified and landscaped with attention to detail. The patching and replacement of sidewalks, curbs, and pavement also falls within their area of responsibility. The effort they put forth to maintain and improve city infrastructure is vital and an area in which they remain vigilant.

The Keystone Heights Cemetery, where annual Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day celebrations are held are also cared for by Public Works. They have a strong sense of commitment not only to the preparation that goes into these events, but also to the everyday maintenance and appearance of the cemetery. They work hard to keep these solemn grounds a place where citizens and loved ones may visit and reflect in the best possible atmosphere.

In keeping with our mission and providing aesthetically pleasant environments for the benefit of our citizens, our Public Works Department strives to provide excellent service in the interest of our community. We are both proud of and grateful to these hard-working, values driven men and women. Their contributions to the safety, maintenance, and opportunities for enjoyment of the facilities constructed, financed, and maintained by the City of Keystone Heights are worthy of our respect and appreciation.