Code Enforcement.

Contact Information

Matt Cole

Code Enforcement Officer

(352) 473-4807

[email protected]

Keystone Heights is an attractive and picturesque community with aesthetic standards that deserve to be protected and preserved. The preservation of these standards are upheld in our city’s ordinances. It is the job of our Keystone Heights Code Enforcement staff to insure these ordinances are followed in a fair and uniform fashion that safeguards the unique appeal of our lovely city.

Cities and counties adopt ordinances to keep their community jurisdictions clean and appealing places to live. Ordinances set forth regulations such as what sorts of buildings can be placed on pieces of land, size of additions to buildings or homes and their proximity to property lines, and the standards for maintaining the land and structures. These ordinances serve as guidelines for property owners to follow in keeping their property from becoming an eyesore that affects not only community standards for aesthetics, but could possibly negatively impact property values in their neighborhood or the city as a whole.

Code Enforcement is tasked with identifying and addressing violations of the ordinances, then bringing them to the attention of the property owner in a professional, courteous manner. They are made aware of violations both by spotting them personally while out in the city, and through the introduction of citizen complaints filed with the Code Enforcement office. All complaints are examined and violations are verified before any action is taken. It is then the role of the Code Enforcement Officer to make the property owner aware of the nature of the violation, and to assist them in developing a plan to reach compliance in a courteous and forthright way. Transparency of the process and guidelines is a must, as well as helping the owner understand that more than anything else, we want them to succeed in bringing their properties into compliance for both personal and community benefit.